Bensaude Distribution, through its Director Aldo Medeiros, was present at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event "Smart Summit Lagoa", which took place at Nonagon, in the city of Lagoa, on 19 and 20 October.
Speaking at the panel dedicated to Innovation, Aldo Medeiros began by sharing the common goal of all Bensaude Distribution brands, which is "to bring the best products and the best brands to the entire archipelago of the Azores".
In his presentation, he highlighted four innovative projects developed exclusively by the Bensaude Group:
- N9V, the Azores Online Shopping Centre, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with differentiating software features, such as customers being able to choose whether they want their purchases packaged or do without plastic. An innovation that emphasises the importance of investing in sustainable projects and ideas, themes that cut across the entire Bensaude Group.
- MyCheck, the cloud solution with a web interface and native mobile app that allows you to manage all kinds of checklists in the management of various businesses. This platform makes it possible to work anywhere, even without access to mobile networks. This project also considered environmental concerns with the elimination of paper, a commitment to digital transformation.
- Bemarket, the cloud platform for purchasing management, focuses on external supplies and services, as well as the purchase of various fixed assets. It is, as Aldo Medeiros said, "the group's internal Amazon".
- Bedocs, a cloud platform designed to manage invoices, credit notes and debit notes with a focus on dematerialising tax documents. An excellent way to become a comprehensive repository for this type of document.
- Befresh, a cloud platform that allows many different people to buy fresh produce (fruit and vegetables) at the same time. It's an easy and agile purchasing forecasting process, incorporating various variables into sales forecasting algorithms and cubing volume estimation. "Imagine a Lego City but for fresh produce," said Aldo Medeiros, to raise awareness of the importance, for example, of optimising the volume of containers used to transport this type of product.
Always emphasising the importance and impact of technology combined with sustainability, connectivity and the digital transition, Aldo Medeiros ended his speech (video from 1:06:30 to 1:23:37) with the following quote from Malcolm X: "Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today". In other words, to "reach the future, you have to act now and not wait for the world to change or for resources to disappear". This is undoubtedly one of the philosophies of the Bensaude Group, whose motto is "Never stop evolving".