Bensaude Hotels Collection — promoting sustainability

Bensaude Hotels Collection is committed to promoting social, economic and environmental sustainability. That is why the company takes action to minimize the impact of its activity on the environment, while developing the regional economy.

Aware of the impact of its activities at a social, economic, and environmental levels, and in line with its objectives and strategies, the Bensaude Hotels Collection is committed to subscribing to a certification of Sustainability in Tourism.

Certified for more than 10 years

In line with the company’s strategy and philosophy, the Bensaude Hotels Collection implements good environmental practices. Among other actions, the company performs waste separation, monitor emission levels and carries out daily measurements to assess water and energy consumption. 

Here are some of our 2021 numbers, reflecting the Bensaude Hotels Collection sustainability, where we saved:

enough water for 506 people to take a shower every day for 1 year
enough eletricity to sustain 13 average households for 1 year
enough diesel to drive from North to South of Portugal 17 times
enough butane gas to make 9.500 meals
enough glass containers to produce 146.160 bottles (0,75L)
enough plastic/metal packaging to produce 49 vehicles
paper/cardboard to prevent the slaughter of 3.982 trees and the emission of 453 Tons of CO2

Travelife GOLD Certification

In September 2019, the Bensaude Hotels Collection obtained Travelife GOLD Certifications for its 8 hotel units, positioning itself as a pioneer in the Azores with this international certification.
Travelife is an internationally recognized accommodation sustainability program with a certification especially designed for the tourism industry by the GSTC – Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

'WE CARE' Certification

On December 21st 2021, the Bensaude Hotels Collection obtained another distinction in the area of sustainability, the Environmental Sustainability 'WE CARE' Seal, as part of the initiative promoted by AHP – Hotel Association of Portugal, being awarded since 2015.

This distinction falls under the HOSPES program, is delivered to companies committed to implementing evaluation procedures, risk and environmental impact prevention and reduction; use of "environmentally friendly" technologies and services; energy efficiency programs; prevention, reduction and reuse of water and encouraging water conservation and promoting its reuse and recycling.